Caravan and Trailer Electrics
Caravan and Trailer Electrics for 12V and 24V applications.
7 Pin Metal Trailer Clang Plug 047719
7 pin clang plug for 24 volt trailers. Passivated zinc alloy case, nickel plated brass pins and sock.....
7 Pin Metal Trailer Clang Socket 047716
7 pin clang socket for 24 volt trailers. Passivated zinc alloy case, nickel plated brass pins and so.....
7 Pin Plastic Conversion Adaptor MP600
Conversion adaptor allows connection of an 8/13 pin trailer/caravan to 7 pin 12N vehicle Model type:.....
7 Pin Plastic Plastic Trailing Socket ISO 3732 069390
7 pin plastic trailing socket ISO 1724 (12N).Moulded thermoplastic with brass pins and socket tubes......
7 Pin Plastic Plug ISO 1724 069316
7 pin plastic plug ISO 1724 (12N).Moulded thermoplastic plug with brass pins and socket tubes.To cur.....
7 Pin Plastic Plug ISO 3732 069366
7 pin plastic plug ISO 3732 (12S).Moulded thermoplastic with brass pins and socket tubes.To cu.....
7 Pin Plastic Socket Assembly 028901
Trailer socket bracket assembly with 7 pin plastic socket and 1M of 7 core cable......
7 Pin Plastic Socket ISO1724 069319
7 pin plastic socket ISO 1724 (12N).Moulded thermoplastic plug with brass pins and socket tubes.To c.....
7 Pin Plastic Socket ISO3732 069369
7 pin plastic socket ISO 3732 (12S).Moulded thermoplastic with brass pins and socket tubes.To curren.....
7 Pin Plastic Socket with Fog Cut Out ISO 1724 (12N) 069309
7 pin plastic socket with foglamp cut out ISO 1724 (12N).Moulded thermoplastic with brass pins and s.....
7 Pin Single Socket Bracket 052100
7 pin single socket trailer bracket - 16swg galvanised mild steel.....
Alloy 7 Pin Plug 24N 047789
7 pin plug ISO 1185 (24N)Alloy plug for 24V trailers.Zinc alloy case, nickel plated brass .....
Alloy 7 Pin Plug 24S 047799
7 pin plug ISO 3731 (24S)Alloy plug for 24V trailers.Zinc alloy case, nickel plated brass .....
Alloy 7 Pin Socket 24N 047786
7 pin socket ISO 1185 (24N)Alloy socket for 24V trailers.Zinc alloy case, nickel plated brass pins a.....